gganimate graph plot


gganimate graph plot#

Link to script in header

The plot is easily animated with gganimate, using transition_time to specify when each row should be animated, using shadow_mark causes the edges to persist, so that the melody leaves a trail of edges through the graph.

melody_graph_plot +
transition_time(t) +

This was then rendered to an animation using animate; I used the av_renderer option so that it could be combined with audio.

  width = 1330, 
  height = 882, 
  renderer = av_renderer('outputs/av/animation.mp4'),
  frame_time = t,
  duration = 10.2

Unsolved problem#

It was here I encountered a big hurdle in the animation, however. Something about self-loops causes the next edge to drop from the animation, but the self loop at the start from D to D in the first row of the graph is required to get the timing correct. I tried creating a static plot and combining images, but still ran into persistent timing issues.