about matcha metaresearch talks

This seminar series is a joint collaboration from NINA and IMeRG

pandemic blues

Matt, Charles, and Garima are all a bit bummed out at the moment. The team will be taking a break from organising webinars and will update when we resume.


The matcha metaresearch seminar series is a joint collaboration of The Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA) and the Evidence Synthesis Lab at Newcastle University.

The inspiration for this collaboration was the number of people in both groups who wished to hear from people in the other group.


Follow on twitter to hear about upcoming speakers and preprints in metaresearch.


The link to the matcha metaresearch seminar will be shared by the matcha slack channel.

Join the matcha metaresearch slack forum.


Matthew Grainger is a computational ecologist with NINA, and Charles T. Gray is a research associate with the Evidence Synthesis Lab at Newcastle.

Charles (she/her) considers herself a somewhat reformed musican. Educated, also, in mathematics, she can be a little obtuse.

Firefly Serenity GIF from Firefly GIFs

Matthew (he/him) has a sideline in pheasants.

Pheasant GIF from Pheasant GIFs


Matt and Charles being of the hermit in a cottage in a forest introverts, by nature, we are delighted to welcome Garima Gupta to the team as Matcha Scientific Communications.

Garima is an ecologist with a passion for Antartica. She enjoys a splash of R with her conservation.


The matcha metaresearch logo is a fontawesome icon, manipulated using inkscape.

# to install inkscape on linux
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:inkscape.dev/stable