

tasks <- read_rds("data/tasks.rds") 


Go to Weekend tasks

tasks %>% 
  select(-weekend) %>% 
    groupname_col = "category",
    rowname_col = "status"
  ) %>% 
  opt_row_striping() %>% 
    row_group.background.color = "lightgrey"
task description
sim 3 dots complete three dots on writing
star dishes wash and wipe benches
star wash shower or face
sim workout yoga > 10 mins
sim workout beat saber > 20 minutes
sim charging area tidy
varnothing workout beat saber > 10 minutes
varnothing laundry check if laundry needs doing, put away clothes, chairdrobe
varnothing brushes wash brushes
varnothing basin wash basin
varnothing fridge clean a shelf
varnothing water plants only on weekend
varnothing desk tidy and sweep
varnothing laundry either put a load on or put a load away
varnothing waiting make sure noted in bujo daily, monthly, or future log
varnothing update lappy486 `sudo apt update`
varnothing update pkgs in rstudio
varnothing update lifeswork run update data and rebuild site
varnothing workout beat saber > 45 mins
varnothing workout yoga > 20 minutes
varnothing workout yoga > 20 mins
varnothing workout high intensity > 30 mins
sim TIL today I learnt blogpost
varnothing reading see pandan
varnothing tucker one exercise
varnothing rethinking one question
star weekend only calendar, clue, and goals, no email, no req to talk to peoples
star calendar check day, week, month; note events of the day; upcoming deadlines; migrate stuff for today to 𝅘𝅥𝅮, ♫. book yoga
star fire What is on fire? task or project must be due today and someone else will get stuffed around if I don't do it
star starred email snooze or add task to daily log to move along
star clue track
star stuff process papers, notes, unpack bags, etc.
star goals set pom goals for day: 4 in each category, subtract meetings.
sim ynab finish pom
sim slack check for new messages
sim signal check messages
sim inbox (> 12pm + weekday) archive or assign to 𝅘𝅥𝅮 or ♫ and move to needs action
varnothing ♫ \(\sim\) & \(\varnothing\) add \(\forall \sim\ \cdot) and \(\geqslant 1 \) \(\varnothing\) from ♫
varnothing future log check future log


tasks %>% 
  filter(weekend) %>% 
  select(-weekend) %>% 
    groupname_col = "category",
    rowname_col = "status"
  ) %>% 
  opt_row_striping() %>% 
    row_group.background.color = "lightgrey"
task description
star dishes wash and wipe benches
varnothing workout beat saber > 10 minutes
varnothing laundry check if laundry needs doing, put away clothes, chairdrobe
varnothing water plants only on weekend
star calendar check day, week, month; note events of the day; upcoming deadlines; migrate stuff for today to 𝅘𝅥𝅮, ♫. book yoga
star fire What is on fire? task or project must be due today and someone else will get stuffed around if I don't do it
star clue track
star goals set pom goals for day: 4 in each category, subtract meetings.