Spotify API miniboss

spotify vis engineering

Limping through authentication just far enough to analyse number of tracks on the soundtrack to my life playlists over the last couple of years

Charles T. Gray
# packages used in this blogpost
library(tidyverse) # all-purpose datasci metapkg
library(gt) # pretty tables
library(spotifyr) # for accessing my spotify data

It occurs1 to me that I now have a dataset of playlists in Spotify , and this dataset is, for a data scientist, astonishingly corrupted. If I cannot access anything else data-wise, I can do a string analysis of the names of my playlists and could blogpost on how many mistakes I made with them alone.

listening habits

For twenty years, my primary income was music. I’ve variously substituted this income with roles in scientific programming over the last decade, transitioning into a fulltime career when I completed my doctorate a year ago. My outlet for the music that used to dominate my life, especially moving countries without a piano, are my Spotify playlists.

Music is a constant soundtrack to my life; I’m a High Fidelity grrl living a future-noir musical in my head, dancing on the metro around Copenhagen like no one can see.

I have two soundtrack to my life playlists for different purposes at all times, but regularly create new soundtracks to life, at the moment it is every season.

# set up playlist dataset
categories <-
        in_this_post = c('lw', 'mct'),
        playlist = c(
            "maybe i'll code today"
        purpose = c(
            "scientific programming, inspired",
            "scientific programming when feeling unproductive or sad and travelling about Copenhagen on the magic carpet transport system"

in_this_post playlist purpose
lw lifes::work scientific programming, inspired
mct maybe i'll code today scientific programming when feeling unproductive or sad and travelling about Copenhagen on the magic carpet transport system

getting the data

I shall begin this analysis as I begin every new type of analysis, by asking the internet how to do it.

First few hits mentioned a CRAN package spotifyr, which sounds promising, indeed.

# > (in console)


Moments like these I always deeply appreciate the open source community for understanding how little skill I have for dealing with APIs; my entire education was equations on a blackboard.

> spotifyr::get_spotify_access_token()
Request failed [400]. Retrying in 1 seconds...
Request failed [400]. Retrying in 3.1 seconds...
Error in spotifyr::get_spotify_access_token() : 

What did I misunderstand about the instructions? I searched the site, but this yielded lots of documentation but still no answer. So I tried creating an app, and sure enough, yup, there’s the Client ID.

# >
Sys.setenv(SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx')
Sys.setenv(SPOTIFY_CLIENT_SECRET = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx')

I’ve made this mistake before; I find it confusing that I need to create something called an application just to give myself authentication to access data.

Now to try it; browse the package reference. get_my_playlists is exactly where I want to start.

Which redirected me to a site displaying the following text. This is disheartening.

INVALID_CLIENT: Invalid redirect URI

Did I restart R after updating the System Environment?

> library(spotifyr)
> get_my_playlists()
Waiting for authentication in browser...

This time the browser page displayed new text.

Missing required parameter: client_id

Curiouser and curiouser. Are system environments case sensitive?

First, to check that I have actually stored my system variables.

# > 

Can’t see them. Will inspect file.

# > 
edit_r_environ() # this took me to local

Time to try those console commands again.

# >
Sys.setenv(SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx')
Sys.setenv(SPOTIFY_CLIENT_SECRET = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx')

And, magically, they are there now. Hopefully does it. Restarting R again.

Oh ffs.

Missing required parameter: client_id

# > 

[1] ""

I think I’ll just edit my .Renviron myself. Trying again.

Aha! I needed to see the image in this post to understand I needed to add a local host to my Spotify dev app’s settings.

Once again, learning the lesson that some things cannot be solved with R.

analysing my playlist categories

Now that I can access my Spotify data, let’s see what I have to work with.

I have been creating lw and mct playlists for years now. For a while I was sometimes creating a playlist by the month. Currently I have been creating playlists by the season.

questions that don’t need answers

I know I have divided playlists into instrumental and indie, broadly, and attempted to tag these playlists by lw and mct categories and when I instantiated the playlist.

To further define these questions, I need to find out what variables I have access to. I am assuming I can access my playlist titles, and the tracks in them.

finding title variable

# writing file locally so I don't have to fiddle with auth
sp_playlists_raw <- get_my_playlists(limit = 50)

write_csv(sp_playlists_raw, 'data/spotdat.csv')
sp_playlists_raw <- read_csv('../../data/spotdat.csv')

# what variables we have

Table 1: Data summary
Name sp_playlists_raw
Number of rows 47
Number of columns 20
Column type frequency:
character 14
logical 5
numeric 1
Group variables None

Variable type: character

skim_variable n_missing complete_rate min max empty n_unique whitespace
href 0 1 59 59 0 47 0
id 0 1 22 22 0 47 0
name 0 1 3 33 0 47 0
snapshot_id 0 1 56 60 0 47 0
type 0 1 8 8 0 1 0
uri 0 1 39 39 0 47 0
external_urls.spotify 0 1 56 56 0 47 0
owner.display_name 0 1 7 9 0 3 0
owner.href 0 1 42 58 0 3 0 0 1 9 25 0 3 0
owner.type 0 1 4 4 0 1 0
owner.uri 0 1 22 38 0 3 0
owner.external_urls.spotify 0 1 39 55 0 3 0
tracks.href 0 1 66 66 0 47 0

Variable type: logical

skim_variable n_missing complete_rate mean count
collaborative 0 1 0.11 FAL: 42, TRU: 5
description 47 0 NaN :
images 47 0 NaN :
primary_color 47 0 NaN :
public 0 1 0.72 TRU: 34, FAL: 13

Variable type: numeric

skim_variable n_missing complete_rate mean sd p0 p25 p50 p75 p100 hist 0 1 37.17 63.53 0 10.5 15 27 323 ▇▁▁▁▁

There are a number of link variables, and it will take some experimentation to figure out which to use, but that is for formatting into the labels. There are two variables that will be useful for analysis. Happily, I have 47 total playlists on Spotify, and Spotify’s API allows for a Maximum of 50.

Inspecting this, as well as running the dataset through a quick ::View, I see there are two useful variables.

playlist_var <- sp_playlists_raw %>% 
        playlist = name,
        n_tracks =

playlist_var %>% head() %>% gt()
playlist n_tracks
mtc winter 2022 10
l::w winter 2022 11
julehygge 2022 10
Life is a musical 16
l::w fall-2022 12
pentatonicisation 8

playlist titles

I’m interested in the playlists with mtc which should be mct, so will need to search for both, and then there’s lw which is written as l::w. I’ve always been well aware I’d probably end up doing an analysis on these data at some point, yet I was unable to fix this. Let’s take a look at the damage.

# all playlist titles
playlist_var %>% pull(playlist)
 [1] "mtc winter 2022"                  
 [2] "l::w winter 2022"                 
 [3] "julehygge 2022"                   
 [4] "Life is a musical"                
 [5] "l::w fall-2022"                   
 [6] "pentatonicisation"                
 [7] "mtc-fall 2022"                    
 [8] "mtc summer-2022"                  
 [9] "l::w summer-2022"                 
[10] "Super fun happy time"             
[11] "Old timey"                        
[12] "Blues like no one’s watching"     
[13] "Eurovison faves"                  
[14] "2022-spring maybe i’ll code today"
[15] "Danish Indie Gems"                
[16] "2022-spring l::w"                 
[17] "Blues dancing"                    
[18] "70s sugar pop"                    
[19] "2022-02 lifeswork"                
[20] "2022-02 maybe i'll code today"    
[21] "2022-01 l::w"                     
[22] "2021-12 l::w"                     
[23] "2021-12 maybe i'll code today"    
[24] "2021-11 maybe i'll code today"    
[25] "folk"                             
[26] "2021-11 mct"                      
[27] "2021-09 maybe I’ll code today"    
[28] "2021-08 maybe I’ll code today"    
[29] "2021-07 lifeswork"                
[30] "2021-07 maybe i'll code today"    
[31] "2021 June"                        
[32] "2021 may"                         
[33] "Film"                             
[34] "Indie"                            
[35] "electro swing"                    
[36] "writing"                          
[37] "dishbrush ballads"                
[38] "Punk"                             
[39] "karaoke"                          
[40] "trip hop"                         
[41] "hip hoppity"                      
[42] "old timey"                        
[43] "romantic"                         
[44] "bop"                              
[45] "baroque"                          
[46] "yoga triphop"                     
[47] "yoga film"                        

I’ll start by describing a category variable to filter the dataset.

playlist_counts <- 
    playlist_var %>% 
        category = case_when(
                    str_detect(playlist, 'mtc') ~ 'mct',
                    str_detect(playlist, 'mct') ~ 'mct',
                    str_detect(playlist, 'code') ~ 'mct',
                    str_detect(playlist, 'l::w') ~ 'lw',
                    str_detect(playlist, 'lifeswork') ~ 'lw'
                )) %>% 
                ) %>% group_by(category)

playlist n_tracks
mtc winter 2022 10
mtc-fall 2022 17
mtc summer-2022 26
2022-spring maybe i’ll code today 14
2022-02 maybe i'll code today 29
2021-12 maybe i'll code today 9
2021-11 maybe i'll code today 10
2021-11 mct 0
2021-09 maybe I’ll code today 13
2021-08 maybe I’ll code today 19
2021-07 maybe i'll code today 6
l::w winter 2022 11
l::w fall-2022 12
l::w summer-2022 24
2022-spring l::w 12
2022-02 lifeswork 2
2022-01 l::w 9
2021-12 l::w 15
2021-07 lifeswork 11

Not sure if I have any playlists labelled with lw, but I’ll inspect the antijoin to see if I missed anything.

anti_join(playlist_var, playlist_counts) %>% pull(playlist)
 [1] "julehygge 2022"               "Life is a musical"           
 [3] "pentatonicisation"            "Super fun happy time"        
 [5] "Old timey"                    "Blues like no one’s watching"
 [7] "Eurovison faves"              "Danish Indie Gems"           
 [9] "Blues dancing"                "70s sugar pop"               
[11] "folk"                         "2021 June"                   
[13] "2021 may"                     "Film"                        
[15] "Indie"                        "electro swing"               
[17] "writing"                      "dishbrush ballads"           
[19] "Punk"                         "karaoke"                     
[21] "trip hop"                     "hip hoppity"                 
[23] "old timey"                    "romantic"                    
[25] "bop"                          "baroque"                     
[27] "yoga triphop"                 "yoga film"                   

Yay, looks good.

engineering playlist data

playlist_dat <-
    playlist_counts %>% 
        # extract variables from playlist titles
        mutate(year = str_extract(playlist, '\\d{4}') %>% as.integer(),
               month = str_extract(playlist, '-\\d{2}\\s') %>% 
                   str_remove('-') %>% 
                   str_remove('\\s') %>% 
               season = case_when(
                   str_detect(playlist, 'winter') ~ 'winter',
                   str_detect(playlist, 'summer') ~ 'summer',
                   str_detect(playlist, 'fall') ~ 'fall',
                   str_detect(playlist, 'autumn') ~ 'fall',
                   str_detect(playlist, 'spring') ~ 'spring'
               # assign seasons for month-labelled playlists, using BOM 
               season = case_when(
         ~ season,
                  month == 12 | month <= 2 ~ 'winter',
                  month <= 5 ~ 'spring',
                  month <= 8 ~ 'summer',
                  month <= 11 ~ 'fall'
               ) %>% 
                   fct_relevel('spring', 'summer', 'fall', 'winter'),
               # interesting, I just realised I've lived three countries over these datasets
               country = case_when(
                   # no straya :( 
                   month <= 3 & year <= 2021 ~ 'straya',
                   year == 2021 ~ 'uk',
                   year == 2022 & month < 4 ~ 'uk',
                   TRUE ~ 'danmark'
               ) %>% fct_relevel('uk')
                   ) %>% 
        # remove empty playlist 
        filter(n_tracks > 0) %>% 
        # arrange categories chronologically
        ungroup() %>%
            season_year = if_else(
                month <= 2 & season == 'winter',
                as.integer(year - 1),
            season_year = if_else(, year, season_year)
        ) %>% 
        arrange(category, season_year, season, month) %>% 

# a random sample of rows

sample_n(playlist_dat, 5)
# A tibble: 5 × 7
  playlist          n_tracks category  year season country season_year
  <chr>                <dbl> <chr>    <int> <fct>  <fct>         <int>
1 2022-02 lifeswork        2 lw        2022 winter uk             2021
2 mtc summer-2022         26 mct       2022 summer danmark        2022
3 2021-12 maybe i'…        9 mct       2021 winter uk             2021
4 2021-09 maybe I’…       13 mct       2021 fall   uk             2021
5 2021-11 maybe i'…       10 mct       2021 fall   uk             2021

Alright, I think I’ve got all the variables I can engineer for the playlist dataset.

visualising playlist data

I still want to get the track data, but let’s take a look what I have.

season_dat <- 
playlist_dat %>%
    group_by(category, season_year, season) %>% 
    select(playlist, n_tracks, season, season_year) %>% 
    ungroup() %>% 
        season = fct_relevel(season, 'spring', 'summer'),
        timepoint = str_c(season_year, '-', season)
    ) %>% 
    arrange(category, season_year, season) %>%
# perhaps storing as an object will help reduce file size
season_plot <- 
season_dat %>% 
    rename(year = season_year) %>%
            category = c('mct', 'lw'),
            genre = c('indie', 'film music')
    ) %>% 
    ggplot(aes(x = season, 
               weight = n_tracks, 
               fill = playlist)
           ) +
    geom_bar(show.legend = FALSE) +
    facet_grid(genre ~ year, scales = 'free') +
    theme_minimal(base_size = 15) +
    scale_fill_grey() +
    theme(panel.grid.major.x = element_blank()
    ) +
        title = "Number of tracks on the soundtrack to my life over time" %>% str_wrap(35),
        subtitle = "Colour indicates playlist",
        x = "",
        y = "",
        caption = "Ah, so many stories, even in this first analysis of two playlists I create for programming and everything else at semi-regular intervals; I live every day filled with an anthemic soundtrack for my everyday tasks of coding and travelling around Copenhagen's magic carpet transport system. There's the dip in 2021 when I was never hitting flow hard enough to turn to my focus playlist. Meanwhile, I probably listened to those 20ish indie tracks intensely, one or two to obsessive levels. Winter in the UK a year ago was lonely and I listened to a lot of music for comfort. Summer was a good time in Copenhagen for me, got lots of work done, and put time into curating a good programming playlist. Fall was hard. Winter, of course, is only halfway through, so is necessarily smaller, but my productivity is lifting and playlist growing. " %>% str_wrap(60)

engineering track data

Ha, for a follow-up blog post, I guess.

Lost half the day to authentication.

Also this:

  1. Nothing like unemployment to inspire a blog post; I was one of eight people recently laid off at a neuroscience consultancy in Copenhagen. Life just got spicy.↩︎