Gavin Stewart on evidence synthesis

Over-reliance on unreplicated studies, p values, outdated publishing models, and funding models that emphasise novelty and theory all lead to pathway to impact but need reform to facilitate evidence synthesis if we really want to tell truth to power.

Over-reliance on unreplicated studies, p values, outdated publishing models, and funding models that emphasise novelty and theory all lead to pathway to impact but need reform to facilitate evidence synthesis if we really want to tell truth to power.

Thank you to all of you that attended. For those who missed it, watch it here:

Slides for Gav’s presentation.


Gavin is Director of the evidence synthesis lab within the Modelling, Evidence and Policy group in the School of Natural Sciences at Newcastle University. Work focuses on evidence synthesis (by means of systematic review and meta-analysis) and evidence contextualisation (by means of systems models and decision support tools). He is a full-time dad, fell runner, cave rescue team member and likes drinking beer and whisky